Confronting Islamophobia in Oregon

Whenever we encounter prejudice and discrimination, we have a responsibility to fight back with education and solidarity. That’s why we work with Oregonians throughout the state to educate the public about Islam and ensure that all systems of governance are more fair, accountable, and culturally competent.

Whenever we encounter prejudice and discrimination, we have a responsibility to fight back with education and solidarity. That’s why we work with Oregonians throughout the state to educate the public about Islam and ensure that all systems of governance are more fair, accountable, and culturally competent.

Our continued advocacy is focused upon the following: 

  1. Challenging Islamophobic political leaders 
  2. Conducting media public awareness campaigns to call out Islamophobia in all its forms 
  3. Continuing to educate civic leaders about what they can do to create more accommodating spaces for Muslim americans. 

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